Job Hunting is like Dating Part 1

In a tight market, finding the right job is a lot like dating – you need to work out what is going to make you stand out from the crowd and grab the attention of your perfect partner, as Adrian Everett explains.

The IT marketplace has matured significantly in recent years, but recent changes have seen the balance change in terms of the demographic hierarchy.

For many years, the marketplace represented the traditional management pyramid model, with a select number of people at the top being the directors, managers and others in senior position, and the BA’s typically being plentiful.

However we believe a long-running skills development and graduate attraction deficit has led to the traditional model being turned on its head.

The current marketplace unfortunately has fewer large- scale ERP implementations, many more highly qualified and experienced candidates available at the top end of the market and fewer graduates entering the marketplace.

Now that the market is recovering strongly from a significant lull, this means that there are many available IT professionals who are looking to secure a relationship with their next company or project.

In this type of candidate-rich market, finding the right job is a bit like the hunt for the right partner.

Vying for the attention of prospective suitors, it is important to recognise what is going to secure you a first and second date, and ultimately within the shortest timeframe possible, the ring on your finger! In this instance, it may even lead to golden handshakes at the end, and hopefully no ongoing alimony…

It is important to consider what it is that you want from the relationship prior to defining that initial approach to ensure that your potential exit strategy is covered, and that during the course of the relationship, it is as mutually beneficial as possible.

The first step, and the main focus of getting things moving for those who have been dateless for a while, is the initial impression. How does a candidate get noticed, and do so in a way that encourages the relation to progress? What steps can you take to ensure that you’re wearing the pants in the relationship even before it gets started?

  1. Sex sells.No, you don’t need to send a model in your place to undertake a job interview! This means that presenting yourself in the best possible light at all times is the key to making a good initial impression. Donald Trump spoke of always having $3000 in his pocket during meetings and wearing his best suit every time. While you might not need to go to that extreme, it is essential that you use whatever tools that you can to create a truly professional image that is the best it can possibly be. This includes every project – dress and act in your current relationship like you’re lining up the next one.
  2. Online dating is not taboo.Your online presence is as crucial as your physical presence in the modern dating world. Treat your LinkedIn profile like your RSVP or eHarmony profile. Would you put anything but your best pictures on a dating site? Wouldn’t you include your most endearing and attractive qualities? And most importantly, wouldn’t you want your profile viewed by as many prospective suitors as possible?
  3. In this day and age, your resume is never enough.Nearly every recruiter will immediately reference your resume against your LinkedIn profile and first impressions count. Photos, detail, accuracy and of course, matching dates are essential to ensuring the potential partner is not put off by your previous relationships.
  4. Past relationships are important.Never end a relationship badly. You are only as good as your last relationship – or engagement – so make sure that your current partner only thinks the best of you, particularly during exit times. Your current employer likely courts multiple people on a project at any one time and you could end up in competition with any of them for your next engagement…
  5. Speed date.Otherwise known as an elevator pitch. How long does a prospective suitor consider you (after they make that initial appearance-based judgement) before developing an opinion and waiting for the buzzer to go before the next date? You need to ensure the opening page of your resume (no, not a cover letter) is going to satisfy their needs for information about you. It’s not a pick-up line or two, it’s a succinct description of the key attributes you can rattle off quickly but are powerful enough to make your ‘date’ put your name down at the end of the round with a view to seeing you again.
  6. What does your partner want?When pitching to a potential partner, consider their needs. What will appeal to them? What will make them happy? What more can you provide than they may have considered? If you have something unique to offer, then make sure you put your cards on the table and stand out from the rest of the pack!These steps should help you to make sure that your first impression won’t be the last, and give you a better chance of closing the deal.

Adrian Everett is Chief Executive of BT People 

BT People ( Experienced and expert recruitment for your IT/ERP system Business Transformation projects. APSCo Certified